# Additional Configuration

This Software is Abandoned

This documentation is for abandoned software which does not recieve any security updates or support from the community. This documentation has been left accessible for historial reasons.

You should be installing and using Wings in production environments with Pterodactyl Panel 1.0.


These are advanced configurations for the daemon. You risk breaking your daemon and making containers un-usable if you modify something incorrectly. Proceed at your own risk, and only if you know what each configuration value does.

The documentation below uses dot-notated JSON to explain where each setting should live. You will need to manually expand this syntax when adding to the core.json file for the Daemon. For example, something like internals.throttle.enabled would be expanded to the JSON below.

  "internals": {
    "throttle": {
      "enabled": true

# Output Throttles

There are a few throttle limits built into the Daemon to keep people from causing issues with data volume and CPU usage. Under normal circumstances users should not encounter these limits. You might see the occasional data throttling warning while starting a server or when there is a sudden spike in data output.

If you're seeing more servers than you expected being killed as a result of the Daemon throttler, you can make adjustments to the settings below. Please note the configs below are in JSON dot-notation and should be expanded out into a normal JSON object.

Setting Path Default Value Notes
enabled true Determines if the throttle (and associated values below) should be used.
kill_at_count 5 The number of warnings that can accumulate for a particular instance before the server process is killed. The decay time below affects how quickly this value is decreased.
decay 10 The number of seconds that a server process must go without triggering a data throttle warning before the throttle count begins decreasing. This loop is processed every 5 seconds and will decrement the throttle count by one when the process goes more than this number of seconds without a data throttle occurring.
bytes 30720 ⚠️ (removed in v0.5.5) The maximum number of bytes of data that can be output in the defined interval before a warning occurs.
lines 1000 ⚠️ (added in v0.5.6) The number of lines that can be output by the server process in the defined check interval time. By default, 5,000 lines in ~500ms results in a server process kill.
check_interval_ms 100 The number of milliseconds between the throttle resetting the used bytes or line count.

Please note that all of the settings above are in the internals.throttle.X path. So, enabled is actually internals.throttle.enabled.

# Custom Network Interfaces

If for whatever reason you need to modify the network interfaces used for Pterodactyl's local Docker network you can do so by modifying the core.json file for the daemon. In most cases you'll just be modifying the network name to allow your servers to use the host network stack. To do so, just change docker.network.name to be host rather than pterodactyl_nw as shown below.


While changing to the host network stack does allow servers running on Pterodactyl to have direct access to local interfaces and bind to specific IP addresses (required for some Steam games), it is not recommended on public installations of Pterodactyl (where you have other users running servers).

Using the host stack removes many network specific protections afforded by Docker, and will allow server processes to access anything on the host, as well as bind to any IP or Port they wish.


Any changes to the network after the daemon has been started will require you to remove the docker network and restart the daemon. Any servers on the host need to be stopped before and most likely rebuilt.

The following will stop the daemon, remove the network, and start the daemon again. Run at your own risk.
systemctl stop wings && docker network rm pterodactyl_nw && systemctl start wings


"docker": {
    "socket": "/var/run/docker.sock",
    "autoupdate_images": true,
    "network": {
      "name": "pterodactyl_nw",
      "interfaces": {
        "v4": {
          "subnet": "",
          "gateway": ""
    "interface": ""

# Private Registries

Setting Path Default Value Notes
username none The username to use when connecting to the registry.
password none The password associated with the account.
images none An array of images that are associated with the private registry.
auth none
email none
serveraddress none The address to the server the registry is located on.
key none A pre-generated base64 encoded authentication string. If provided none of the above options are required.

Please note that all of the settings above are in the docker.registry.X path. So, username is actually docker.registry.username.

# Security Policies

This daemon ships with a very strict security configuration designed to limit access to the host system, and mitigate a large range of potential attack vectors. However, some users might need to tweak these settings, or are running on a private instance and are willing to decrease some of the security measures.

Setting Path Default Value Notes
ipv6 true Set this to false to disable IPv6 networking on the pterodactyl0 interface.
internal false Set this to true to prevent any external network access to all containers on the pterodactyl0 interface.
enable_icc true Set this to false to disallow containers to access services running on the host system's non-public IP addresses. Setting this to false does make it impossible to connect (from a container) to MySQL/Redis/etc. running on the host system without using the public IP address.
enable_ip_masquerade true Set this to false to disable IP Masquerading on the pterodactyl0 interface.

Please note that all of the settings above are in the docker.policy.network.X path. So, ipv6 is actually docker.policy.network.ipv6.

# Container Policy

Setting Path Default Value Notes
tmpfs rw,exec,nosuid,size=50M These are the arguments used for mounting a tmpfs directory into containers to allow certain programs to run.
log_driver none ⚠️ This option was removed in v0.6 and is forcibly set to json-file. The log driver to use for containers. We default to none to mitigate a potential DoS attack vector if a server were to spam log output.
log_opts array
log_opts.max_size 5m The maximum size of the server output log file created by Docker.
log_opts.max_files 1 The maximum number of files that Docker will create with output from the server.
readonly_root true Determines if the root filesystem of the container should be readonly.
securityopts array An array of security options to apply to a container. The default array is provided below.
cap_drop array An array of linux capabilities to drop from the container (in addition to ones dropped by docker already (opens new window). A listing of the default array is below.

Please note that all of the settings above are in the docker.policy.container.X path. So, tmpfs is actually docker.policy.container.tmpfs.

# Default Security Opts Array


# Default Capabilities Drop Array


Starting with v0.6 of the Daemon, the following previously dropped capabilities are available in containers: chown, kill, setgid, and setuid.


# Enabling Cloudflare

Enabling Cloudflare on the daemon isn't particularly useful since users do not connect directly to the daemon port, and users need an unproxied hostname to access any servers on the node. As a result it's not possible to conceal the IP address of your node machine, but some people want to enable it regardless.

Cloudflare only proxies the default daemon port (8080) when using HTTP. In order to get the daemon to work with Cloudflare when HTTPS is enabled you must change the daemon port to one that Cloudflare will proxy such as 8443. Since Cloudflare only proxies HTTP/HTTPS traffic for non-enterprise plans you cannot proxy the SFTP port.